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    一、 科室基本情况

    目前有12名专科医生,护士14人,主管技师1人。医生中教授、主任医师4人、副教授、副主任医师4人,主治、讲师4人。其中博士毕业2人,硕士毕业3人。主管护理师1人。科室学术地位在国内、省内有较大影响。担任中华医学会小儿外科学会委员、青年委员各1人,广东省小儿外科学会主委、副主委、委员、秘书各1人,32届国际儿童肿瘤委员会中国委员1人,中国抗癌协会儿童委员会委员1人,中华小儿外科杂志编委2人,大肠肛门外科杂志编委、临床儿科杂志编委各1人。 小儿外科临床杂志编委3人。

    二、 医疗力量雄厚、医疗效果优良


    1. 新生儿急腹症 我科在食道闭锁、先天性肠闭锁、肛门直肠畸形、先天性巨结肠、膈疝等方面的治愈率已达到国内领先水平。
    2. 先天性胆道闭锁 近拾多年来作了系列研究,使许多患婴病情缓解,其成果在国内是领先的。
    3. 先天性巨结肠 采用了结合放射学、直肠粘膜活检乙酰胆碱酯酶染色、肛直肠测压做到早期确诊。赖炳耀教授设计的结肠拖出、肛外镶嵌式吻合技术,为数百例患儿作了手术,在国内处于领先地位,已载入教科书,获省高教局科技进步奖。近年来在此基础上采用了结合腹腔镜, 或经肛门手术均取得良好疗效。
    4. 骶尾入路治疗先天性肛门直肠闭锁 取得满意的效果,成果获得中山医大科技进步奖。
   5. 大便失禁 自赖炳耀教授70年代率先在国内进行臀大肌带蒂肌瓣移植肛门外括约肌成形术后,许多患者得到治愈或改善,疗效国内领先。
   6. 先天性尿道下裂 我们采用游离包皮内板或游离膀胱粘膜行尿道成形术,一期手术治愈率达95%,达国内领先水平。获中山医大科技进步奖。
   7. 先天性肾积水 与各地围产期"B"超科室合作,早期发现胎儿肾积水者,作动态观察,许多患儿在新生儿期做了手术,挽救了患肾。术式上作了重要改进,明显缩短了住院时间,成功率已达到99%,疗效国内领先。
   8. 尿失禁 近年来,对骶椎裂脊髓拴系致尿失禁患儿开展了脊髓拴系松解的手术,使部分患儿得到治愈或明显改善。对尿道括约肌损伤致尿失禁患儿采用掌长肌游离移植治疗取得良好疗效。
   9. 攻克肿瘤难关 通过手术、介入、化疗、放疗等综合方案,使小儿恶性实体瘤,如肾母细胞瘤、神经母细胞瘤、肝母细胞瘤、胚胎癌、生殖腺恶性肿瘤患儿的治愈率逐渐提高,达到国内先进行列。自1998年得到 国际儿童癌症专业委员会支持以来已在广东省内推广早期防治儿童癌症工作。
   10. 联体婴 1988年我们成功地为一坐骨联体婴作了分体手术,其中一婴已上学读书。这是世界第8例,中国大陆第1例。1998年我们又成功地做了三足婴的整形术,为大陆首例。

   1、 先天性泌尿系统畸形的产前诊断及围产监护治疗的研究 1997年--1998年度 获省卫生厅科技进步三等奖。
   2、 先天性胆道闭锁的诊断与治疗的系列研究 2000年度 获省科技进步三等奖。
    Brief introduction the pediatric surgery

    1. Basic condition
   There are 12 doctors, 14 nurses, 1 technician in charge in this department. Among them, there are 3 professors, 5 associated professors, 4 doctors in charge or lecturers and 1 nurse in charge. 2 doctors obtained doctor degree and 3 doctors got master degree. The academic position of this department ranks the front row in Guangdong province or even in the whole country. One doctor is the member of the Pediatric Surgery Committee of China Medical Association. One doctor is the member of Youth Committee of China Medical Association. There are one chief member, one vice chief member, one member and one secretary of the Pediatric Surgery Association of Guangdong Province. One doctor is Chinese member of International Childhood Carcinoma Association of the 32nd session and another one is Childhood Committee Member of China Anti-cancer Association. 2 doctors are members of editorial board of Journal of Chinese Pediatric Surgery. One doctor is the member of editorial board of Journal of Large Intestine and Anus Surgery and another one is the member of editorial board of Journal of Clinical Pediatrics.
    2. Strong power of medical treatment and excellent therapeutic effect
   The key points of medical treatment in the pediatric surgery include general surgery, urinary surgery and neonatal surgery. We have resolved many problem which have been considered to be "strange, difficult and complicated syndromes" and the therapeutic effects are very satisfactory.
    For example:
   ① Neonatal acute abdomen: In our department, the cure rates of treating congenital atresia of esophagus, congenital intestinal atresia, congenital malformation of anus and rectum, congenital megacolon and congenital diaphragmatic hernia are in the lead position in China.
   ② Congenital atresia of billiary duct: Serial researches have been done in recent ten years. The sick condition of many children has been improved. The achievement ranks the front row in China.
   ③ Congenital megacolon: We have adopted methods of radiology, biopsy of rectal mucosa, acetylcholin esterase staining and rectal pressure determination for identification in early stage. Professor Bingyao Lai designed the operation style, I.e, pulling colon out and performing mosaic anastomosis. We have performed such operation on hundreds of sick children. The research level is in the lead position in China. The achievement has been recorded in a textbook. It obtained the award of science and technology development of Guangdong provincial high education bureau. On the above basis, we have recently performed operation combining abdominoscope or through anus and obtained good therapeutic effect.
   ④ The therapeutic effect of treating congenital atresia of rectum and anus through sacrococcygeal region is satisfactory. The achievement obtained the award of science and technology development of Sun Yet Sen medical university.
   ⑤ Fecal incontinence: Many sufferers have been cured or improved since professor Bingyao Lai first performed the formation of external sphincter muscle of anus with transplanted pediculated muscle from greatest gluteal muscle in 1970s. The therapeutic effect is in the lead position in China.
   ⑥ Congenital hypospadias: We performed urethroplasty with free inner layer of foreskin or free bladder mucosa. The cure rate of the first stage operation is 95%. Its technology is also the most advanced in China. It obtained the award of science and technology development of Sun Yet Sen medical university.
   ⑦ Congenital hydronephrosis: We have cooperated with departments of ultrosonic examination of B type in various area for identification of hydronephrosis of fetus in the early stage and continuous observe it. Many neonates have been operated and their sick kidneys have been saved. The operation style has been greatly improved and hospitalization period has obviously been shortened. The successful rate is 99%.
   ⑧ Urinary incontinence: We have performed spondylolysis for treating children's urinary incontinence caused by split of sacral vertebrae. Some children have been cured or obviously improved. Children with urinary incontinence caused by damage of sphincter muscle of urethra can be treated with free grafting of long palmar muscle. Its therapeutic effect is good.
   ⑨ Carcinoma: Adopted complex therapy plan of operation, intervention, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the cure rates of treating childhood malignant solid tumor, such as nephroblastoma, neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, embryonal carcinoma and malignant tumor of genital gland, have been greatly increased. The research level ranks the front row in China. We have developed and spread prevention and treatment of childhood carcinoma in Guangdong province since we accepted support from International Childhood Carcinoma Association in 1998.
   ⑩ Conjoined twins: In 1988, we successfully performed isolating operation for a case of conjoined twins who are conjoined at ischium. One of them has been to school. This is the 8th case in the world and the first case in China mainland. We successfully performed plastic operation for a three-legged baby in 1998. It is the first case in China mianland.
    3. Scientific research achievements
   ① Project 1: Study on prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformation of urinary system and survillance and treatment during perinatal period. It obtained the second class award of science and technology development of the health department of Guangdong province during 1997~1998.
   ② Project 2: The serial studies on diagnosis and treatment of congential atresia of billiary duct. It obtained award of science and technology development of Guangdong province in 2000.





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