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    科室推行“人性化服务”和“口腔健康管理”理念。就诊环境温馨、充满童趣,特设有儿童乐园候诊区,帮助就诊儿童消除恐惧心理,以轻松愉快的心情接受口腔保健宣教并积极配合治疗。集知识、技术、爱心、耐心于一身的儿童牙科医生根据儿童生理特点和心理特点制定防治计划,广泛采用国际先进诊疗技术,例如无痛祛腐技术,智障儿童麻醉下牙病治疗技术,乳磨牙大面积缺损成品冠修复技术,儿童牙外伤增强纤维树脂松牙固定技术,运动防护牙套技术以及 MRS肌功能预防性矫治技术等,解决儿童生长发育期间出现的口腔健康问题。我们的诊疗目标是使儿童生长发育成为拥有健全的咀嚼器官并且具有良好的口腔卫生行为的成人。

    The Pediatric Dentistry of Dental Hospital of Guangxi Medical University was built in 1996, and is a set of Filling (tooth preservation), Extraction (child tooth), Occlusal guidance, Prevention (dental care) in one comprehensive clinical departments.

    The departments currently has 17 health care staff. Of these, 11 dentist have national vocational qualification, 6 nurses have national professional nursing qualifications, Of these,4 were senior title, 4 were intermediate grade, 9 were primary Title. Of these, 1 was the Member,Stomatological Prevention and Pediatric,Chinese stomatological Association.There are 8 oral comprehensive treatment chairs and specialist equipment.

    Our Division is the only center that provide dental treatment specially for children. Departments implemente the mode of “personalized service” and “Oral Health Management”. The treatment environment is warm and full of fun, and the waiting room likes children's playground. It help children eliminate the fear of dental treatment, let them accept the oral health propaganda in a relaxed and pleasant mood, and cooperate with the treatment actively. Our use widely advanced treatment technology,such as the technology of removal of carious with painless, the technology of anesthesia for dental treatment of mentally retarded children; the technology of the repair with crown of deciduous molars with a large area defect; the technology of loose teeth fixation with reinforced fiber resin for dental trauma of children, athletic braces Technology, MRS muscle Preventive Orthodontic Technique, and so on, to solve children's oral health problems during their growth and development, and make children have a healthy organ to chew and have good oral health behavior.

    Diagnosis and treatment of our department was mainly targeted at 0-18 year-old children in the growth and development,Clinics include:

    ① Children's oral health education and advice;

    ② The treatment and prevention of Caries, dental pulp disease and periapical disease of children;

    ③ The extraction of retained deciduous teeth and supernumerary teeth;

    ④ The diagnosis and treatment of dental trauma of children;

    ⑤ The occlusion-induced of children;
    ⑥ The diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease and blennosis of children;

    ⑦ The diagnosis and treatment of oral hereditary diseases of children;

    ⑧ The diagnosis and treatment of odontiasis of disabled children and children suffering from systemic disease;

    ⑨ Collective oral health care and so on.





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